Seasonal allergies
Allergies occur when our immune systems overreact to triggers. Antibodies called Immunoglobulin E cause mast cells to release histamine, which then triggers symptoms. Some children are predisposed to allergies. They tend to run in “atopic” families (which means families with asthma and eczema as well as allergies). But it is possible to develop allergies even without a known family history.
Test to Treat program
Home Test to Treat is a nationwide program providing free testing, telehealth and treatment. Regardless of insurance status, anyone with a current positive COVID-19 test may enroll for free telehealth treatment. Read more here.
Gripe Water: does it work?
Gas and colic and fussiness do NOT mean you are doing something wrong as a parent. But they can make you desperate and exhausted. Some parents swear by gripe water. Others feel it doesn’t do much. Here’s the data.
What to do if your child tests positive for COVID-19
Here is what to do if your child tests positive for Covid. An article with clear tips for parents and a free download.
What to expect this winter
No one has a crystal ball. But here are my predictions for whether this respiratory season will be as bad as last year.
The after school melt-down
The adjustment to school can be tough, and many children struggle with big feelings in the afternoons after they come home. This is normal. Here’s why - and here are some tips.
Health anxiety in parents
After parenting through the past 3 years, most parents have some degree of health anxiety. If you find yourself very anxious about the start of school and respiratory season, here are some helpful tips.
Separation anxiety tips for the start of school
The start of the school year is exciting, but it is also filled with anxiety - whether your child is going to school (or daycare) for the first time or not. Here are some tips to manage separation anxiety for kids — and a few more for parents, who often get overlooked when this is discussed.
Your child’s immunity: what to know
Now that school is starting, many parents start to worry about how to make sure their children stay healthy. This is when the immune boosting companies swoop in. Here’s the real scoop on immunity in children.
Hand, Foot & Mouth
Hand, Foot & Mouth is a viral illness that most children encounter eventually. There is no treatment except time, but there are many things you can do to help your child through it. This post covers what parents need to know, plus practical tips!
How to get your child ready for kindergarten
Some practical (and fun) ways to prepare your child for kindergarten.
EASY tool to calm an overwhelmed child
Box breathing is an easy technique that is taught to US NAVY Seals (and pediatrician’s kids!) for those moments of overwhelm. I started working on the skill with oldest when she was 3. In our house, it has come in handy for insomnia, tantrums, and even when we had to go to the ER recently for a laceration repair.
Motion sickness
Motion sickness can lead to a lot of frustration and anxiety. This post goes over WHY it happens, how to know if your child has motion sickness, and then reviews some evidence-based tips and tricks for treatment and prevention. I also talk through a practical list of things to have in your car if your child is prone to car sickness.
The Melatonin Question
While melatonin is widely available, effective, and generally well-tolerated for short-term use in children, there is limited data on its long-term safety. Studies looking at the longer-term effects of melatonin are reassuring but have limitations.
Treating eczema in kids: as easy as 1-2-3?
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can be managed through identifying and avoiding triggers, managing stress levels, using moisturizers and topical corticosteroids, and dietary interventions.