Introducing Newborn to Sibling(s)
Introducing your child to their new sibling is a big deal, but don't worry, you’ve got this! From my experience with three kids, I can tell you that we often overthink this process. It’s going to be okay, I promise. But if you like to prepare, keep these tips in your toolbox for the transition!
Should I clip my baby’s tongue tie?
Tongue tie clipping is a controversial topic. Here’s a nuanced take on the recent AAP statement from a pediatrician who is also a mom who chose a frenotomy for her little one.
Gripe Water: does it work?
Gas and colic and fussiness do NOT mean you are doing something wrong as a parent. But they can make you desperate and exhausted. Some parents swear by gripe water. Others feel it doesn’t do much. Here’s the data.
Baby Hiccups are normal!
Hiccups come up frequently at pediatrician visits, and are a common source of worry for parents. But they shouldn’t be. In fact, they may actually have a purpose in newborns, and be a way of teaching them how to control their breathing.
Did we find the “cause” of SIDS?
Any infant death is awful. Little is known right now about why some infants are more susceptible to SIDS than others. The truth is that this research is promising, but it doesn’t change much from a practical perspective.
Caring for baby’s umbilical cord
The umbilical cord is an essential lifeline while a fetus is in utero because it serves as the connection with mom’s circulation. But once a baby is born, the cord is clamped and cut. It typically dries, shrivels and falls off within 1-3 weeks after birth.
Are visitors ok when you have a newborn?
Newborns hide infection really well, and as a general rule, pediatricians recommend avoiding too much exposure in the first few months of life.
Tips for Baby’s first pediatrician appointment
Lots of parents are nervous the first time they bring their newborn to the pediatrician. It is a huge step! Here are some pro-tips from a pediatrician mom to make it as smooth as possible for everyone.