Poison Ivy: an overview
Rhus dermatitis is the name given to the allergic reaction triggered by plants such as poison ivy, oak, and sumac. In about 80 percent of people, an exposure to plants will cause an intensely itchy rash - and we see it more in the summertime, when we’re all spending more time outdoors.
Does my child have an ear infection?
In general, because the symptoms of ear infections are so non-specific and infants and toddlers cannot tell you their ear hurts, the only way to know definitively is to have the ear examined.
Ear infections 101
About 25 percent of infants have at least one ear infection in the first year of life. They are painful, and they are frustrating.
“Mom, my throat hurts!”
Parents often think about strep when their child complains of a sore throat, but most of the time, the cause is something else. Viruses, allergies, reflux and even mouth breathing or dryness can also cause a sore throat.
Treating dehydration in kids
Oral rehydration can be a good approach for mild symptoms but it is important to discuss with your pediatrician to determine at what point you need to step up the level of care.