Treating eczema in kids: as easy as 1-2-3?
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can be managed through identifying and avoiding triggers, managing stress levels, using moisturizers and topical corticosteroids, and dietary interventions.
Eczema: triggers and grading
Eczema can range from mild to very severe, and it can be triggered by a wide variety of factors. This article goes through how we grade it, as well as the most common triggers (and what to do about them).
Eczema: An Overview
Eczema is a common childhood rash that is often nicknamed “the itch that rashes.” Eczema is an itchy rash that is seen in people with defects in their skin barrier. It can range from mild to every severe, and is often triggered by exposures.
Asthma and gas stoves
Everything is a balance of risks and benefits, pros and cons. If you can minimize gas byproduct exposure, the data absolutely supports that this is worth doing. But if you cannot - if switching is prohibitive or impractical - there are many other things you can do to decrease the impact of this specific exposure.
The Lingering Cough
Why does a cough linger after an upper respiratory infection? Here are some of the possible causes, their signs and symptoms and when you should go back to the pediatrician.