Give Yourself Some Grace, Parents

As we head into Labor Day weekend I wanted to really quickly remind us all (myself included) to give ourselves some grace. 

Virtual learning in Northern VA starts next week and I’m very nervous about how it will go for my kindergartener. Our virtual meet and greet with our kindergarten teacher did not go well (we missed it entirely because of some technical challenges).

This is going to be quite the learning curve all round – for teachers and schools, for parents, for kids. And it’s okay if there are hiccups and things don’t go perfectly smoothly, if your learning environment isn’t picture-perfect (I very much love looking at those pictures but my house is definitely never that put together!), and if you and your kids struggle at times.

Life is a long game, and this is a weird and challenging time. But our children are more resilient than we think. They will be learning more than just schoolwork from us and their teachers this year: they’ll be learning some resilience, some flexibility, and that they are stronger than they believe. And we want them to learn to give themselves grace. So let’s begin to model that ourselves ❤️

Share with a parent friend who needs to be reminded that they are doing a great job and to give themselves some grace this weekend!❤️


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